(September 3, 2010: If you are using DestroyTwitter 2, then you’ll want to check my NASCAR Theme for DestroyTwitter 2.)
I have corrected my DestroyTwitter theme which was inspired by the colors in the NASCAR.COM logo. The theme requires at least version 1.4.4beta of DestroyTwitter and now works properly with DestroyTwitter’s new theme management system that was introduced in version 1.4.6beta. I have also modified the colors used in some places. The main difference being the scrollbar that is now red when there is nothing to scroll and green when there is. In any event you’ll want to re-download this updated one if you have been using it. I have also placed the theme on DestroyTwitter’s Theme section
mrheadrick NASCAR
Download theme: mrheadrick NASCAR
Enjoy! 🙂