Well, I just updated my blog to the big WordPress 5.0 version which includes the new default editor, Gutenberg. As always, I backed up my files and database first. I have automatic updates disabled so I can do this beforehand. As I always do, I updated the local copy on my PC before updating my blog here.
Installing the update automatically disabled the separate Gutenberg plugin, which I then deleted. The TwentyTwelve theme I use also had an update to version 2.6 to become Gutenberg compatible. This update included editor styles to match how the theme looks on the front-end. There were no real code changes in the theme from the previous version that I had to include in my child theme. Just some tweaks to the style.css were needed (more on this later).
Following are some of my experiences and possible solutions to issues so far.
How to Change Inline Text Color Easier
One of the more annoying issues I’ve had with Gutenberg is not being able to change the color of text in a paragraph easily. All you can do with the default tools is change the color of a complete paragraph. Luckily, someone has made the Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg which makes changing the color of words much easier within a paragraph.
Correcting Appearance of Variable Width Table Cells
The Table block currently has some real issues when using variable width table cells. If a couple columns have just one or two words and a third has a long paragraph, it will squash the other cells such that they’ll have one or two characters per line. There’s an issue concerning this: Min-width needed on table columns 路 Issue #11266 路 WordPress/gutenberg. As I mention there, the following CSS was the cause:
.wp-block-table td, .wp-block-table th {
padding: .5em;
border: 1px solid currentColor;
word-break: break-all;
I corrected it by putting the following in my theme’s style.css and my custom editor blocks.css file:
.wp-block-table td, .wp-block-table th {
word-break: unset;
Oh, to load custom editor styles, create a blocks.css file in your child theme’s directory and add the following to the theme’s functions.php:
function mytheme_block_editor_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'mytheme-block-editor-styles', get_theme_file_uri( '/blocks.css' ), false, '1.0', 'all' );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'mytheme_block_editor_styles' ,100);
Stop Loading Google Fonts in Editor
So far I have not been able to make it stop loading the fonts from Google when editing a post even though I am specifying a locally hosted font (which it also loads). For now, I have submitted the following support question: Topic: V2.6, Make editor not load Google Fonts | WordPress.org.
Anyway, these are my issues so far with WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg. 馃檪 For those that can’t deal with Gutenberg now, you can install the Classic Editor plugin.