Tag Archives: Widget

Website Changes for September 2015

Main Website

The only noticeable thing I did to my main website since adding links to my Winamp Skins on the Winamp Info page, was adding a new Twitter widget to my Entertainment page in the TV Show section. It looks for all the tweets I’ve sent with the #TV hashtag. I figured that’s the best way to indicate what shows I am watching since GetGlue/TvTag shut down. Yeah, I know I’m the only one that gives a flying fruit cake about it. πŸ™‚


Updated the blog to WordPress v4.3.1 which was a security and bug fix. Did the usual backing up of the database and file structure before applying the update. Then added my various code tweaks back in.


Updated both of my galleries (mine, Mysstie’s) to Zenphoto v1.4.10. Followed their upgrade instructions and backed up the themes and zp-core directories as well as the database before copying over the new files.Β  I then used Windiff and code comparisons in PSPad to integrate any new changes in the default Garland theme into my custom Garland theme.

Pelicar Forum

Patched the Pelicar Forum to SMF 2.0.11. Like everything else, backed up the database and files first.

Mysstie’s Website

I added a EverQuest II Legends of Norrath Loot Card Links page. I just wanted a quick way to view the various loot card pages specific to EverQuest II. Actually, I guess I added that at the end of August. Oh well, LOL. πŸ™‚

That’s all I can think of for now.

Blog Updated to WordPress v3.5.1 and Other Website Changes

Blog Update

Just completed upgrading my blog to WordPress 3.5.1 which corrected some bugs and addressed some security issues. All I did for this update was backup my database and files and then clicked the automatic update button. No problems. Well, if this post works, then no problems. LOL πŸ™‚

Other Website Updates

January 26, 2013: Forgot to mention something rather obvious on the front page of my main website. Like my blog’s sidebar, I added the latest song I played in Winamp. Late last night (early this morning) I also modified my NASCAR page to show ESPN’s NASCAR News Feed for now as NASCAR removed their feeds from their site. Ehh, NASCAR’s loss I guess.

XMPlay LogoOther than the changes to my NASCAR page the previous post mentions, I worked on my MOD Page to have the same color and background as everything else. It made more sense back in the day when each page was stand-alone with no side menu. I also added links and information (Windows 7 users with UAC will want to read) to a new MOD player I’ve been trying called XMPlay. It plays MOD files very well. I’ve tried a few of the skins out and added the LAME Encoder so I can create MP3 files from the MOD files. I will probably install the latest version from the LAME Project and experiment with the best command line parameters.

I updated my Entertainment/Now Playing page to correct an issue I was having with the GetGlue Sticker widget. I kept getting web service errors with it (from GetGlue). I went on GetGlue’s Widget page for my account and looked at the source code they had on their page for my widgets there and added this bit of code prior to the script code line they tell you to add which seems to have done the trick:

<script type="text/javascript">
   var getglue = getglue || {};
   getglue.config = getglue.config || {};
   getglue.config.host = 'widgets.o.getglue.com';
   getglue.config.webhost = 'o.getglue.com';

To see/get these widgets, you have to be logged into their “old” or original website which, IMHO, is much better.

Those are the only updates really worth mentioning at this time. πŸ™‚

Blog Updated to WordPress 3.3 and Other Website Changes

WordPress 3.3 was just released and I’ve completed upgrading my blog. Nothing to it really. Just clicked the update button and it did the rest. πŸ™‚ Well, I did back-up the database and directory structure before starting the process.Β  I also had to do my usual code tweaks to vars.php and wp-login.php that I do with every upgrade.

They also updated the Twenty Eleven theme to version 1.3; however, since I am using a Child Theme, I lost none of my changes and after doing a file comparison it looks like nothing has changed within the files that my child theme is using, such as header.php.

I also added a GetGlue widget (to find these, go to the Widgets section of your account settings) to both my blog and main website, and updated the Twitter widgets on both as well. After adding the newer Twitter widgets I needed to adjust some of the CSS to allow for a wider side-bar and also widened the main content area of the blog’s main page while I was at it. There was more empty space between the two than there needed to be. I also adjusted the appearance of the H3 header tag when used in the context of a post. It looks cool as a widget title in the side-bar but was getting lost in posts as it’s smaller than the normal text. Anyway, it looks fine now:

H3 header tag In a post.

Here’s the changes I made in my theme’s style.css file to make these changes:

#content {
   /* margin: 0 34% 0 7.6%; */
   margin: 0 34% 0 3.8%;
   /* width: 58.4%; */
   width: 62.4%;

#primary {
   margin: 0 -29.4% 0 0;

#secondary {
   /* margin-right: 7.6%; */
   margin-right: 3.8%;
   /* width: 18.8%; */
   width: 25%;

.entry-content h3, .comment-content h3 {
   font-size: 100%;
   font-weight: bold;

Now I need to figure out how to get WordPress’s post editor to look the same. πŸ™‚ But, I think I’m going to go play EverQuest II right now.